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The Artist's Accomplice: Boston Aiden By FLYFOTO

It has become a tradition at FH that when a holiday is approaching I look to Boston artist FLYFOTO for a bit of inspiration. Although I enjoy the traditional 'feel good' shots usually posted at certain times of year, there is something about FLYFOTO's work that pulls me in. Most of us who have lived past the age of 18 have sadly learned that holidays are not always candies and kittens. Holiday's have a powerful ability to bring out great joy and euphoria as well as the depths of sadness and loneliness, sometimes on the same day and at the same time.

Darkness and light meshed together is one of the things FLYFOTO does so well. Erotic and dark, depressive and hopeful, are all intertwined throughout his work in colorful pieces of art. FLYFOTO'S images are frequently compared to paintings. A touch of Picasso' starkness, The darkness of Dalí, the vibrant colors in Henri Matisse's work, a bit of Vincent van Gogh and Chuck Oberstein all mixed to create erotic, creepy and powerful results.

One other thing often seen in FLYFOTO'S work is model Boston Aiden. The 24 year model has been the centerpiece in many of my favorite of FLYFOTO'S shots. Aiden was the centerpiece of a feature I did last Halloween. (FLYFOTO Does Halloween!) Model and artist have worked together many times, creating literally thousands of images. FLYFOTO'S Joey calls Aiden a chameleon, fearless, and willing to try just about anything in the interest of art.

Below, in their own words, Joey and Aiden discuss their art and their working relationship. The pair also took their time to narrow thousands of images down to 70, and then down to 37, to send to me for this feature. I then had the task of picking my favorites (some of which I could not edit out and will share in a follow-up next week).

The Model:
Boston Aiden

'Back in 2009, if anyone had asked me where I would be in three years I would never had guessed I would be where I am at today. In those years, I have not only grown as a model, but as a person. I owe most of the credit for that to my favorite photographer and friend FLYFOTO.

Joey knows that beauty is different for each person. When working with FLYFOTO I have no worries, I know he will not allow any image with his name associated with it to be anything but spectacular. When the one in front of the lens is so sync with the one behind it, the responsibility is shared to each bring the effort and creativity. Joey and I both share in the benefits of what we have created together. Of course we don’t always agree on everything, but even if I am uncertain of where we are going, my trust in Joey, and in our working relationship, have me confident in the end result.'

'Joey and I respect each others opinions and value each other’s input. I have been fortunate to have collaborated with such a fine photographer, a gentleman and a scholar. We have conquered almost every task that we have set out to do but and there are plenty more to come!'
Boston Aiden

The Photographer:

'I have never been much of a subscriber to the phenomenon of “Muse”.

But then I met Aiden.

It is through him that I have come to clearly understand the true definition of the word “Muse”. There is, without question, a very magical creative energy that occurs when I consider raising my lens to shoot with Aiden. It is through him, that I consistently discover a boundless source of inspiration. It is intangible, indescribable but Aiden has unlocked the doors of my imagination in ways that no one else has, or likely will.'

'Our teamwork began in 2009. Since that time, we have collaborated on hundreds of shoots that have spanned the full breadth of creative exploration. The work we have collaborated on has been limitless in experimentation and in discovery. As each project was launched, my imagination was matched (and often surpassed) by his openness and enthusiasm. He has challenged me to be more innovative, to be more daring, and to think much further “outside the box”. And I have encouraged him to express himself freely, to allow his inner thoughts to emerge visually in the manner that I know he can achieve. The creative kinetic energy between us has been unbridled and explosive'.

'The work we have accomplished has come to represent the essence of our partnership. The images read like little novelettes of our teamwork along the way. Each shoot has been stimulated by our insistence to “out do” our most previous effort. In that simple goal, we have pushed each other creatively in ways that have produced some extraordinary results'.

'There are many photographers and models in the world. And there are countless amazing images that stand as testimony to the magic that occurred when an optimal talent pairing collided. It is however, a rare occasion when a photographer meets a model who genuinely and consistently inspires him. It is even more remarkable that such a chance meeting, can evolve into a powerhouse team where ongoing exploration of their creative synergy is allowed to flourish. With Aiden, I have discovered the true heights of my talent and it is only because he has encouraged it, and then, come to expect it from me.'

Check out more of the work of FLYFOTO on Model Mayhem HERE:
& on his great blog HERE:

Check out more of Aiden on his Model Mayhem page HERE: