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Anne Hathaway in Marni: tragic or cute?

These pictures of Anne Hathaway at a press screening of Rio, an animated film in which Anne has done a voice.

This is not the prime minister, is the selection process, so no need to wear their best clothes for Anna or something. And maybe the problem - it's like Anna with "random" team games.

I mean ... Marni Rachel Zoe get this up and down it? Or not entirely Anna? Really, really want to think they chose a sweater.

It's like a version of the high culture of the 90's something, would have led to Freddy Krueger.

And the pants would be nice ... in another situation. How, without the sweater.

But I can not hate Ann. She is beautiful and talented, and Rachel Zoe stops to put on the worst shit I do on the Internet.

I have high hopes for her and James Franco at the Oscars - as owner, I think he was surprised at the end of each of us and eliminate the park, press a thumb.


Lindsay Lohan is a stalker, or is it difficult to crack under stress?


Lindsay Lohan "Stalker. " Therefore, she says. This is apparently a stalker and the text called and said, "insulting" material in its restoration. Well ... Who was it? I know it was one of the females. Do not look! I think my anger in the family Crackhead in these pages is limited. Why should I call and say that I cut into his audience, if I could spend time thinking about your own photos of David Gundy? He was one of you bitches, I know.


        Fear of its target of a stalker Lindsay Lohan - and the danger is so real that people in the Betty Ford steps to protect your ... TMZ has learned.


        Sources familiar with the situation told TMZ Lindsay, phone calls and text messages from unknown numbers - and inadvertently make disparaging remarks about his recovery ... and your family.


        More worryingly, the stranger said that he / she knows where Lindsay lives and watches.

        We are told Betty Ford officials are so concerned, he transferred his famous patient safety, private institutions.

        We are also told, BF has limited travel by Lindsay, fear for their safety.


[From TMZ]

Well, I think it's another "more secure, private organization has these characteristics. Maybe in the network, which can be easily removed?


fire alarm broken door? Someone asks if these people eating some of the cracks, Lindsay finally in the" theft "on Christmas Eve and"forced "to go to the medicine" stalker "? This means stalker grater nonsmokers? If the smell of tequila stalker, cigarettes, and that" new smell lips? The bully is odd track that oozes orange? Because if this is true, you can "Stalker" Crack Head family.
