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Whats Up With Ryan Murray:

Last year I posted about the wonderful, not to mention sexy, actor, singer and model Ryan Murray. (see that post below). 2010 has been a busy year for Ryan and given this month he will be a VIP Dancer in Broadway Bares - STRIP-OPOLY thought the timing was right for an update.

Ryan just completed performing in Alan Scott's Monday Nights, New Voices concert. The evening, hosted by Broadway singer-actress Erin Davie, celebrated the work of Vanities composer David Kirshenbaum. Ryan was hand picked by producer and composer Scott Alan to be one of only 5 performers for the show.

Ryan is still waiting to hear word on weather HURRICANE is going to be launched. Ryan calls this the 'hurry up and wait' phase, otherwise known as the 'raising money phase'. HURRICANE premiered at the NYMF (New York Musical Theatre Festival) garnering a lot of buzz and positive attention. The show was so successful it had to add two additional performances. HURRICANE tells the true story of a 1928 Hurricane that completely wiped out Napatree Point, Rhode Island and the surrounding towns. Ryan says the show, directed by Michael Bush, has a beautiful score and deserves to be seen by a mainstream audience.

Ryan has many other projects on the go and updates his site regularly with his new projects. Be sure to stop by and see more HERE:

The three shots of Ryan above by photographer and artist Hoyin Siu.